( NOTES: The MDW has moved over to the pink $500 where the gift tag normally resided last season it does NOT award $500 per consonant, however. She’s COMING THROUGH WITH FLYING COLORS for $4,250 cash and gift tag. Second, Portia takes three H’s for a $1,350 start and buys the rest of the vowels (four O’s and a U), followed by two $400 R’s, a $500 W, an S for the gift tag, and a $1,600 pair of L’s before she tries to solve… Next is two T’s for that MDW but then E for error to likely cost her $11,398 cash and trip along w/ that MDW. Jil leads off w/ the obvious - two $600 N’s, three I’s, and triple G’s for the Italy trip. Round 1: WHAT ARE YOU DOING? (pair of red dice wipe) Portia quickly goofs w/ FUNNY MONEY, because that’s one letter short.įEATURED TRIP: Collette Vacation to Italy worth $9,198 (the money graphics are now silver) Portia Jackson (formerly Peters): aerospace engineer at a federally-funded research/development center and Miss Chicago ’05 married to Kyron w/ one daughter and another on the way Jil Brown: physical therapist married to Steve w/ two kids from Chandler, AZ Ryan Moore: worldwide hospitality chain revenue coordinator, mini-label music producer and Redskins fan married to Andrea for three years who just had a daughter from Henderson, NV Here are the first three aired players of S31… Let’s get this party started from The Venetian, baby! EPISODE #5851: SEASON PREMIERE (LAS VEGAS)